As an organization dedicated to the Mental Health of vulnerable young people, Dan’s Legacy is committed to providing critical counselling and wrap-around supports to our at-risk clients, and we have the flexibility and agility to respond to the COVID-19 situation.
Our clients are some of the most vulnerable in society. Some are homeless, or are malnourished due to food insecurity. Most are dealing with anxiety, depression, self-harm or even hard drug use. All of this, when combined with the inability to employ normal hygiene practices, has compromised their immune systems, making them vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus and other opportunistic diseases.
We have taken the following steps to ensure that our at-risk clients continue to receive our services during this difficult time:
- Our gym program has been put on hold temporarily. Youth involved in the program are being encouraged to power walk, run or cycle. Our therapist will spend time with some of the more at-risk youth, accompanying them on walks.
- Land-based therapy excursions are also on hold temporarily.
- Sunday Haven Dinner and Food Bank program: continues unaffected, but we are serving food and handing out food hampers at the door. Everyone is cooperating and things are going well. Counsellors are also delivering food hampers to any clients who are quarantined.
- Counselling staff who exhibit symptoms of colds or flu will self-quarantine and connect virtually with clients (phone, Skype, Facebook, etc.) The remaining therapists are working with their clients safely, accepting new clients and providing on call services to participating hospital emergency departments.
- All clients have been contacted and are aware of these program changes.
- We are encouraging our youth clients to let us know if they feel ill – we will discuss with them that they should self-quarantine and then connect them with appropriate medical programs. We will stay in contact with them virtually, following up on a regular basis to ensure they have food and other necessities.
- If our youth clients feel ok, we will keep one-to-one appointments and employ safe therapy practices: hand washing, keeping a distance of 3m (6 feet) with no physical contact.
- Program Director Tom Littlewood will be the on-call staff for all hospital work.
- If you are between 15 and 25 years old and are feeling that your mental health is at risk because of anxiety or depression, you are welcome to contact us:
These protocols will be reviewed daily as developments are announced by the Health Authorities.
Thank you for your continued support, and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Barbara Coates, Executive Director at or 604.329.9186 at any time.