Dan’s Legacy Staff Adventure Day – Summer Edition!

On August 21st we took some time out of our busy schedules to reflect and relax with our colleagues at the beautifully scenic Lafarge Lake in Coquitlam. It was a day filled with fun activities, good food (even a delicious chocolate cake to celebrate a birthday within the team). and getting to know one another (we have so many new staff!!). Staff were free to spend the day however they pleased.

For some, this meant a mindful walk around the park, a relaxing fishing session at the lake, or a peaceful bike ride along one of the many popular trails in the area. Beyond that, there were plenty of games to participate in. All of which provided a great opportunity to connect with one another on a more personal level, building upon the strong camaraderie that exists among our team.






As mentioned earlier, this staff adventure wasn’t just about fun. It was about practicing what we preach. Taking time for ourselves to rejuvenate and switch off from daily routines. When working with our youth clients, we put a great deal of emphasis on regular exercise (available through our Fitness Program) and connecting to the land (Indigenous Cultural Workshops) to help them self-regulate. By caring for ourselves as well, we model this behaviour for our clients, which in turn, allows us to give them our best each and every day.

If you or someone you know would like help in taking the first steps toward effective self-care, please visit our self-referral page.